About UU


Are you looking for a welcoming place to search your own truth? Check us out. The Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington welcomes everyone.  Our current membership includes believers, agnostics, LGBTI, athiests and Humanists.  We’re not new to Farmington Hills; Our historic meeting house was built in downtown Farmington in 1853 and was moved to 25301 Halsted Road (1/2 mile north of Grand River) in 1967.

What is Unitarian Universalism?

Unitarian Universalism is a theologically liberal religion characterized by a “free and responsible search for truth and meaning” and a belief in “the inherent worth and dignity of everyone.” Unitarian Universalists do not share a creed; rather, they are unified by their shared search for spiritual growth and by the understanding that an individual’s theology is a result of that search and not a result of obedience to an authoritarian requirement. UU’s draw on many different theological sources and have a wide range of beliefs and practices.

Unitarian Universalism is a caring, open-minded religion that encourages you to seek your own spiritual path. We don’t believe there is a “right” one, except yours for you. Rich in heritage, our faith draws on many religious traditions, welcoming people of different beliefs. We are united by shared values, not by creed or dogma.

What kind of person is a Unitarian Universalist?

Unitarian Universalists include people who identify as Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists and others. As there is no official Unitarian Universalist creed, Unitarian Universalists are free to search for truth on many paths. Although we uphold shared principles, individual Unitarian Universalists have varied beliefs about everything from scripture to rituals to God.

Where did the name, “Unitarian Universalist” come from?

Unitarian Universalism stems from the merging of two faiths in 1961, but both faiths have origins that go back hundreds of years. The Unitarians were early Christians who rejected the concept of the “Trinity,” believed in God as a singular entity, and questioned the divine nature of Jesus. The Universalists did not believe in an “angry God” who punished or who only provided salvation for a select few. Instead, as the name implies, the Universalists believed in universal salvation for all. From the beginning the two faiths believed in religious toleration and through the decades have come to embrace any and all seekers who are on their own spiritual quest.

Where can I learn more about Unitarian Universalism?

The best place to learn more is at the website of the Unitarian Universalist Association: www.uua.org.

What is uuFarmington?

The Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington is a progressive, welcoming congregation of men, women and children dedicated to the principles of Unitarian Universalism. We are a loving and supportive church that welcomes diversity and encourages all members to explore their own religious beliefs and philosophies in a safe and caring environment. UUCF is a great place for you to find you.

It is also a great place for your kids to find themselves. We have a wonderful sunday school program for preschoolers all the way to high school, in which our kids learn about our UU principles, and are exposed to all of the world’s major religions. Our goal is for our kids to understand and appreciate diversity and tolerance and to feel comfortable taking the first steps on their spiritual journey.

UUCF began as a rural Universalist meeting house and has been serving as a liberal voice of reason in the Farmington area for more than 160 years. Our meeting house is a registered historic property. Through the years, our church has evolved into a sophisticated suburban congregation, while maintaining the familial and supportive ties of our rich past.

To learn about the shared beliefs of the congregation of UUCF, see our Mission Statement and Covenant , below.

Hear and view past sermons online.

At UUCF, we firmly believe in giving all speakers who visit our pulpit – the freedom to express their beliefs and to share where they are on their spiritual journey. If you want to listen in on some recent sermons and presentations made on Sunday morning, see our recent sermons.

uuFarmington is a great historic wedding venue and reception hall for your wedding!

Whether you’re looking for a welcoming place to unite two people of different spiritual backgrounds, or you just want a cozy place with a wonderful historic feel, UUCF is for you. For more information, see Contact Us.

Mission Statement

We are a supportive community of religious seekers who draw our wisdom and inspiration from the world’s many religions. Together, we find within this diversity value, meaning, strength, and purpose. We continually strive to be evermore understanding, inclusive, and compassionate in this shared journey of life.

Many Paths, One Heart

Covenant Statement

We the Congregation of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington, affirm together the following commonly held beliefs:

  • Each of us has inherent worth and dignity. We are unique and separate, yet interconnected and touched by everything around us. We are able to form flexible, creative and conscious responses to life. We seek to understand the world around us and the world within us.
  • We are powerful, yet limited in our power. We are capable of both good and evil, and are responsible for our own choices. We value contributing to the universal well being through sensitive, ethical relationships with the environment, with other people and with ourselves.
  • We are evolving, changing and searching, with more potential in every way than we have yet realized. We strive for personal fulfillment while working toward our full potential.
  • Our knowledge comes to us through our own experience and what we have received from others, past and present. It is synthesized by our reasoning and intuition, modified by our critical evaluation, and given emphasis by our value systems.
  • Death is the end of our physical existence, our bodies returning to the life cycle. Our existence continues in the thoughts and feelings we have passed along, in our children and in the effects of our deeds.
  • We are part of the vast natural system called the cosmos. Though we have differing beliefs defining the power of the cosmos, immortality and the Ultimate Reality of Life, we share profound respect for our varying concepts and the ongoing struggle for understanding.
  • We acknowledge the power we gain from searching together in this church and we pledge our energy, our commitment and our support to furthering these beliefs in ourselves, in the community, and in the world.

Adopted by the Congregation of The Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington
December Sixteenth, Nineteen Hundred Eighty Four